Information in accordance with § 5 of the German Telemediengesetz (TMG)
Juliane Kuchar
Lindenweg 6
95346 Stadtsteinach
Phone: 0179 687 9245
German VAT ID: DE306899468
Markel International, Luisenstraße 14, 80333 München
EU-wide coverage
Member of DVÜD – Deutscher Verband der freien Übersetzer und Dolmetscher e. V.
Große Hamburger Straße 28, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 8876 4507
This website was created with the utmost care. I assume no liability for the correctness, completeness or how current the contents are. In accordance with section 7, subsection 1 of the TMG, I am responsible for my own content as governed by general legal regulations. Information by others that I am only passing on or storing is not monitored by me or searched for illegal content. Please inform me should you find what appears to be illegal content on this website. I will examine it and delete it within a reasonable time, if necessary.
I do not control linked content from third-party websites and cannot be held liable for it. The respective page owners are responsible for content linked to here. I will have carefully checked any linked content for possible violations and found none before linking to it. I am not obligated to continuously monitor the content of linked websites. Should I be informed of any violations, I will examine them and delete the content in question within a reasonable time, if necessary.
All content on this website (graphics, text, video) was either created by me or made available for use along with the conferral of all usage rights by third parties and is subject to German copyright law. The consent of the author is required for any duplication, editing, distribution and making publicly available of any content. Should you be interested in using any of the content, please contact me beforehand. Please also get in touch with me if you see any copyright violations regarding this website so that I can look into them and take appropriate action.
This legal information also applies to the following social media profiles: Xing and LinkedIn.